Tuesday, May 22, 2007


My last few birthdays and Christmasses have gone by unfruitfully; I'm at a point now where I don't want a lot out of life. I only want to accomplish what I set out to do years ago, and that's about all I ever think about.

The things that I do find myself wanting are lofty: bus rides with old friends to who-knows-where; world peace; the perfect girl for me; my own big Japanese robot; super powers; a time machine... the only practical thing I ever want is a ginger beer. And maybe a full-fledged studio. For the most part, I talk about things that I know I can (and have no choice but to) do without. Overall, I just don't ever want anything.

Until now. It just occurred to me how much I talk about getting away with friends, etc. I forgot that there was such a thing as a theme park! I was goofing off on this Coca Cola site, and a saw the logo for Six Flags. A few fond memories came back, so I clicked on the logo just for the heck of it...

When I got to the site, I saw something that I never noticed before; maybe because when I was little, I didn't have any income to even think of something like this. SEASON PASSES! $74.99. THat means, if I buy season passes for the price of a mere 3 gas tanks, I can go to Six FLags ANY TIME I WANT and stay AS LONG AS I WANT...

And get this: with WHOMEVER I WANT. Yeah, I notice they have this contest for a Dream Nite. Basically, if you win, you and 100 friends... get the park. For a whole night. Middle of September. All rides. Catering. Your OWN PARADE...

And the thing is... I know about 100 friends I could bring. How ill is that? ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE SCHOOL/HIGH SCHOOL/COLLEGE CLASS REUNION FOO!! Not to mention, even if you don't win Dream Nite, Season Passes come with 5 bring-a-friend passes.

SO, I'm thinkin' to maself: "Self, it's 2007. The season JUST STARTED. You're taking your last three classes right now; by September, you'll be Scott free. Perhaps this is as good a year as any to cop a season pass to Six Flags Over Georgia."

And then I told myself, "Ya know... You make a good argument there stranger. I mean, my finances are tight... but I juuuust might be able to spare $74.99. Heck, I'm workin', and half of my work is free. And my homegirl say bruh needs a vacation..."

It's a thought in my mind, and almost a twinkle in my eye. And somehow, I get the feeling I could win that lil contest too. I mean, I NEVER win contests, but this one's special. How many people do you know could dig up 100 honest-to-goodness friends for sumn like that? I definitely could... cept, I don't call half of em by their names anymore, so it's kinda foggy, lol.

I dunno... it's just interesting because I never really want anything; my homie J recommended me to a weapons shop the other day to cop a sword at a discount price (you know how I love martial arts), but when I got there I just didn't have the appetite for it. But this pass is one thing I wouldn't mind having.

...I warn you, this is something I plan to cop for MYSELF once I've decided that I'm gonna go thru with it; if you know me, do NOT go out and cop that FOR me, cuz you just might be wasting your money on something I'll never use: let the record show, I wrote that in digital stone on 5/22/2007.

Thanx B-J


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