Friday, May 18, 2007

The True Mission of the Chevy Autobots...

Yoooo... Okay, so they got me hooked on this lil gimmick for the upcoming Transformers movie; Chevrolet has created this fighting game at, where you get to play as the "Chevy Autobots" and fight other Chevy Autobots. It's a very engaging fighting system, almost a gamble every time so that an expert, like myself, has no real advantage. You can play as the Chevy Impala Autobot (like myself), the Silverado bot, the HHR, the Equinox, the Aveo, the Avalanche, or the Cobalt (my arch enemy who consistently pisses me off)

But scratch all those cars and the game; you guys and gals really need to pay attention to the TRUE mission of these "Chevy Autobots". And it has nothing to do with transforming robots; more like transforming the face of the automobile industry and US oil consumption.

I should get paid for plugging Chevy in my blog like this, but this one is special. It seems that Chevy has worked out a new type of engine and fuel that will dramatically reduce gas consumption for you and I. I haven't read up on everything, but here's the concept: instead of using purely gasoline for cars, Chevy and GM have perfected the technology to use a fuel that's 85% ethanol, 15% gasoline. Lemme break down the ethanol for you: all you need to make ethanol is grain. You can piece it together from that; we're on the verge of revolution.

Oh, and if you think THAT'S something, lemme show you how else gas companies are finally gonna suck it. Forget all the cars I mentioned earlier; the only car you need to listen out for is the Concept Chevy Volt (and the concept Camaro, just cuz it's FLAWLESS SEXECUTION) The Volt is fueled three different ways at your convenience: pure gasoline, the ethanol/gasoline mixture, or ELECTRICITY. Apparently, you can charge this car for 6 hours, and it can go 40 miles... on pure electricity.

For an Augusta State University student like me, that means I can drive back and forth to school every day forever... on electricity.

I could go further into detail about this, but I know ya'll's attention spans ain't what they ought. But keep an ear out for key words: Chevy Volt, Equinox, E85, ethanol, FlexFuel.

The Chevy Autobots truly have come to Earth to save us. Imagine... an America not jacking other countries for their oil resources all the time. The Chevy Volt just might save us from the D.C. DeCepticons...



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