Monday, May 14, 2007

'S' for 'Short'...

When the last bullet ricocheted off of Superman's chest,
I just chucked the golden gun at him, crossed my arms and smiled:
"You think that by now I wouldn't know your reputation?
When you're that weak in the head, of course your manner is mild!

"See, Clark Kent writes reports for his daily paper, 'The Bugle'---
A sensational press of conservative propaganda.
They slander the real victims, then position their heroes,
Or generate their own villains by breaking the Miranda...

"But what bothers me isn't Clark Kent's little stint at the Planet;
It's his ability to work there and for Superman to stand it!

"With a little curl right down the middle of his forehead,
Superman patrols the day, keeping the citizens safe.
When statistics show the most heinous crimes are committed at night...
'Guess his delicate eyes aren't ready to see people beaten and raped.

"Instead of protecting safes, you could use your powers for more!
So at night citizens can bank on having their safety outdoors!

"Batman can't stand your guts; do you have the darkest inkling why?
Because you're a stranger to the night, but still represent the light!
What good is a light with the sun high in the sky like 'Eureka'!?
You're just like every other conservative; you just stay in the right---

"'Stay in the right', meaning you ride high with speed atop the steed,
And shout, 'Hurry!' back to tired pedestrians: the people in need.

"But since you work the day shift with all your 'ultimate power',
Perhaps I should advise you on how to be more efficient:
You've received the accolades from city government officials---
Why fly from the scene of the crime to the places where crime isn't?

White collars must be the Lamb's blood if Clark Kent wouldn't report;
This is why you call him Superman, but I call him 'S' for 'Short'..."

Yeah... I Just Beat Superman. Your Thoughts? B-J


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