Sunday, April 29, 2007

Why is a Brotha is So Liberal...

First of all, when I say I'm 'liberal', I'm not talking politics... only... or even mainly...

I'm pretty much liberal in everything. And I've got good enough reason; if you had good sense, you'd have good reason, too. So, what I'm 'bout to do, is I'm 'bout to knock some of this here good sense into you. And maybe, just maybe, you'll find some of that good reason.

A friend of mine pointed something out to me the other day. It was one of those things that everybody knows, but that we just don't think about or try to grasp the significance of. She said, "America is one of the youngest countries in the world."

What did she mean? Simply this: America didn't exist til what... 1776? What do you think existed before 1776... a world of savages? Even the Native American "savages" that the White man found when he got here weren't "savages"; they were just different, like any other country would be, minus the firepower to protect their way of life.

So... we spend so much time uplifting and defending the "American way of life". Like it's the ultimate good or something, right? But at what point does a young country get the nads to say it represents the standard for all countries? What, just because we've got money? Just because we've got weapons? But then, we say that we're "God's country" and all "Christian" and everything. But every real Christian knows that "the love of money is the root of all evil", that "thou shalt not kill"/"turn the other cheek"/"love thine enemies", and that God's real country is Israel.

WHAS UP AMERICA? Some of you "conservatives" are more liberal with your beliefs than you've got the good sense to realize; practically making up sh!t as you go along, to be honest...

Ehhh, I think I'm digressing. Let's reset again: why is a brotha so liberal?

I'm so liberal because conservativism is used as a gross misrepresentation of rightness. This is what conservativism really is: it is conserving whatever the status quo is. The assumption is that the status quo is "good"...

See how dumb that is? REEL dumb.

Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Perhaps I should do this before I call anyone dumb: I'm going to lay down the law of "rightness". After I lay down the law, then a conservative can test himself or herself to see if dumb is too strong, too weak, or just right a term for them.

1. "Right wing" does not translate into "righteous wing" or "correct wing". It is a term of location, a preposition, meaning "eastward". I wouldn't put it past some people to believe otherwise, so I had to make it clear...

2. "Might" does not, in fact, "make right". Let me rephrase that: might does make right, and the only might that exists is God's might.

And you are not Him. Sorry.

3. Rightness does not come from routine. If you do wrong because it's tradition, then you're just traditionally wrong. Two wrongs don't make a right; two more don't either. It's a transitive mathematical formula...

4. Rightness is unbiased. Just because the majority benefits from wrong doesn't mean that the suffering of the minority is right or excusable. If you break a few eggs, then you're a dirty egg-breaker. I've broken a few eggs, but the important thing is I recognize it and regret it; I never said it was the right thing to do.

5. Personal interests don't create rightness. If rightness doesn't get one what he or she wants or feels he or she deserves, then whatever else he does to attain it is still wrong.

6. Rightness is biblical, not constitutional. Rightness is biblical, not congregational. Rightness is biblical, not emotional. Rightness is biblical, not economic. Rightness is biblical, not debatable.

Now, how dumb do you feel? You don't hafta answer out loud, though I'd love to hear it. And I'm just gonna be frank people: America is guilty of all this to the utmost degree, i.e., defining right in terms of what's convenient.

...why would I want to conserve that?

I'll level with you: in a perfect world, I'd be of a conservative mindset. Truthfully, I have conservative tendencies; the difference is, my conservativeness is in my spiritual beliefs, not my political affiliations. Because, contrary to popular belief, the two don't coincide. And I find more Jesus-like sentiment in the most shunned and despised places; you see, He was shunned and despised too.

To you conservatives out there, we are to conserve what is right, not what is traditional. If you'd open your eyes, you'd be surprised at how different those two things are.

Again, this isn't just politics I'm talking; it's most everything. Make sure you lift your head first before you nod in agreement...

P.S. - I'm Only a Democrat Because There Isn't a Labor Party! B-J


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