Friday, April 20, 2007

The Voltron Disease; the One Lion Complex

*Prerequisite for this entry: Voltron is an animated robot (Japanese anime) composed of 5 lion robots. He is piloted by 5 space explorers. Think Power Rangers; it's the same thing, but Voltron came first and was made only of lion robots.

Arrighty, if you were with me for Romancexpress Vol. 1, you juuuust might remember me talking about hooking up with people and moving into some new ventures and adventures, right?

...Screw all that.

Don't get me wrong folks, things have been going GREAT as far as my networking with others and organizing. I have some very powerful people behind me, and once plans get set, I'm 100% certain moves will be made.

That's right; I said 100%. I'll tell you why 100% in juuust a minute...

First, let me say, I love Voltron. I love the idea of people coming together, putting aside their individual agendas to make positive things happen so that the-cheapness-that-is-talking won't persist. But, as much as I love Voltron and what he represents... I could whoop Voltron's a$$.

You know why?

"Nah Jigabod... Why?"

Cuz it takes Voltron 3/4's of an episode to pull himself together. 'You really think any real badguy/enemy/robeast/whatever-you-wanna-call-it would sit there and wait for this cat to:

Activate interlock... Dynotherms connected... Infracells up... Mega thrusters are go... LET'S GO VOLTRON FORCE!... Form feet and legs... Form arms and torso... And, I'll form the head!...
(strike gangsta poses)

I mean, you gotta love it. But yeah... I'd whoop his a$$ while he was doing all that. See, I have a Voltron mentality, but I'm Voltron without the disease...

"What disease?"

The disease of waiting for other people to get their acts together before I confront situations. I'm immune to that because I realized 4 things years ago: only a small percetage of people on this earth actually do what they say they're going to do; only a small percentage hold themselves accountable; only a small percentage actually consider something outside of themselves worthy of their participation; only a small percentage take responsibility for doing their part in anything.

(Heck, there's people that owe me money right now that I am 100% sure don't even remember it. But I won't ever bring it up; I never actually "loan" money, I just give it, because I know a loan would never be repaid, and we'd be beefing over it before people just own up and pay what they owe. Bit of a tangent... but not really.)

Do the math: that's 4 realizations that describe most of the people around me; 4 lions that a Voltron like myself is forced to do without. And you wonder why I'm so razor-sharp in everything that I do...

You wonder why I can crank out 20-page papers in one sitting, why my vocabulary is staggering, why I collect knowledge and wisdom like its going out of style (and it is), why I battle with lyrical geniuses in my spare time, why I stay in constant meditation and contemplation while others play and jest their time away, why I study the arts and thoughts of generals and philosophers, why I soak up "boring" information in class like it matters, why I must know my limits and constantly challenge myself to discover what I'm capable of...

It's all because, when push comes to shove, on any given Sunday, when the funk hits the fan... the ONLY cat I can depend on to represent every single time is me. And when it goes down, it doesn't matter if I'm just one lion in the Voltron body; if I'm not prepared to take down the entire enemy army on my own strength and skill, then the job just won't get done. You can tell me I'm wrong, but I know this from experience. That's just the world I'm living in; I didn't create it, I just recognize it.

So yeah... I'm 100% certain that moves will be made, because I'm not depending on backup. Trust me, anything that I undertake--- though I may ask for help during the process--- I am capable of pulling off by myself. I don't believe in limits; how can I "do all things through Christ, which strengthens me" on one hand, but believe "I'm only one person" on the other? That's hypocrisy and contradiction; God's Word is the only thing I bank on.

But the thing is, nobody wants to burn themselves out expending needless amounts of energy at a task that could be divided up. So I ask for assistance. And I'm thankful for the help I have, in fact, received; still, I know better than to contract Voltron Disease.

As the One Lion, my method is to go hard, like I'm the only one in the fight. And the hope is that proving it can be done will inspire those around me to rise up with me. And if it doesn't, no-matter. I'll take down the problem myself or die trying, knowing that either outcome is possible; this is the balance it takes to stand as one.

Think about it... B-J


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