Monday, March 19, 2007


Man shucks, I'm REEL tired right now. But I can't complain, I'm in good health to say much more than a little bit...

There was... something... I wanted... to write... about... earlier... today...


MAN, I'm so tired...

...Ya know, it really doesn't make sense to be this tired. Really doesn't make sense for school to be mandatory. Really doesn't make sense to hafta drive hundreds of miles... and pay for it.

(still thinking...)

Yo, I've spent soooooo much of my life thinking yo. It's not even funny. I feel like I've done soooooo much, but it's all thoughts. I feel like I've been around the world, had a wife or two, fought in a war or three, wrote a few books, was a father, a politician, a revolutionary... and it's all in my head. Ya'll remember this entry when I go crazy in a few years and start talkin' bout stuff that never happened.

You know what though, it's crazy, because it's LEGIT man! Like, I haven't had a girlfriend since the sixth grade, but I give cats advice on love like I'm an expert, and it WORKS!! I live so vicariously that... I can give advice about things I've NEVER DONE?!

And... I don't even know if that's a good thing or not! It seems... wrong... somehow. But if it's helping somebody, then is it really?

(...still tryna remember)

Dude, I'm tellin ya, I'm bout to fall asleep right here in this here computer lab... Got an hour-and-a-half before class. Just like I had 74 miles to Augusta last night, just when I thought I was close to home.

You've never seen 74 miles evaporate that quickly, trust me. If I told you how fast I was going, I'd be in trouble right now. Sumn like that...


Kids, stay away from coffee; it's not the buzz you get, it's the come-down afterwards...

They aren't sellin mangoes at Walgreen's anymore. Whoever's idea it was to take them off the shelf has earned 100% firing. Pink slip. Termination. Peace...

And... and why do people talk about each other so much? And more importantly, why do people assume that I wanna hear it? And why do I hafta be so polite when excusing myself from such situations when I really wanna say... something less-than-courteous?

...hhhHokey-doke; it's just not coming to me. Maybe next time ladies and gents.

(...still thinking)

*head drops*



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