Saturday, April 07, 2007


I've waited all my life for a time like this...

The difference between a meteor and a meteorite is which one makes impact. The longer flight is what gives the right for a meteoroid to be deemed meteorite, feel me? And after 10 years of training and focus and honing skill, against the wills and wishes and logics of many, I've finally entered the atmosphere, a meteoroid...

After tomorrow, I'll be a meteorite.

My aunt is worried about me being run outta town for stepping into "their" territory. Personally, I don't care and I can't wait; how many people can say they've earned the right to be hated? That's something special. And after 10 years, I've got nothing left to look forward to but seeing this thing through to the end.

But from where I'm standing, there's no end in sight. Fear begets more fear; action is what begets change.

Why don't I give you a tour of this meteor? It started off small enough, but the problem is it collected debris from this and that for a long, tedious ten years. And, as the meteor gained momentum, the debris that it collected was forcefully compacted into its structure, until the meteor's density was like nothing ever seen. Oh, it ran into its obstructions here and there: large masses that threatened to stop its forward progression or change its course once and for all. But the meteor proved too dense; a fixed force. And obstacles were either deflected or consumed in its wake.

It sounds like I'm bragging sometimes when I talk recently. It's not that at all; I realize that God is responsible for ALL of it. But you've never grinded at one thing for 10 years before; I mean ONE THING. The same vision I have now is the same vision I had back in 1997, and everything I've done between then and now, whether it appeared good or bad to your eyes, has been towards that singular vision. It's not that I feel invincible or unstoppable; it's that I dare anything to try to stop me after 10 years of determination without a hell of a nuclear fallout. That's all I'm saying.

You know how a mother would throw all sense and sensibility aside for the safety of her children? Yeah, I understand the feeling. That's how I feel about this effort. This is my child, maybe the only thing I live for. And all I'm saying is, I dare anything to try to stop me at this point.

I never understood why my attempting to do something good would be met with so much opposition. But for once, understanding is something I can do without. Understand this: tomorrow, I'm hittin' the streets 4 deep. And from that point on, the gears of change will be, in part, subject to the strength of my own hands at the crankshaft. And if nobody else joins me, one way or another, the gears will nevertheless be turned. Why? Because it's time.

But before I go, I'd like to thank God for the help that He has sent to me. You cats know who you are; I appreciate you gettin' my back. I'm at my best, but take some of the pressure off me, and I get nothing but better.

Action Speaks B-J


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