Sunday, April 01, 2007

Try a Lil' Harder...

From the time I was born and began to move forward in life, it felt like the wind was blowing. The other way.

The great irony that I had to learn growning up is that doing what's right and doing what's comfortable raaaaaaaaarely coincide. Like, the direction you're supposed to go in life... chances are you can figure it out by the direction from which the hurricane-force wind is coming.

And the hardest thing for me isn't going against the grain; I've been an outcast for as long as I can remember, so that's natural. What's hard is trying to understand WHY. I mean, this life is full of suffering, that's a biblical given. But, maybe if I put it like this you'll feel where I'm coming from...

Basically, you could say that, in life, the reason we lift 20 pounds is so that we can eventually lift 30 pounds. And 30 so we can lift 40. And 40 so we can lift 50... And 120 so we can lift 130... And 300 so we can lift 450...

But, unless you're a body-builder in a competition, at some point you gotta wonder: what exactly am I getting all this strength FOR?

It's like, asking for patience gives license for your patience to be tested; cuz patience isn't patience without trials and such. Well, when you get strong, it's license for you to hafta endure more hardship, isn't it?

Well, that's a problem. Cuz I've tried to be, and many people consider me, a very strong person all my life. Little did I know that just means I'm gonna hafta do more and more strongness. All my life.

But it's all good. It's just that when people tell me, "Don't worry, it'll make you stronger", that doesn't encourage me anymore; it kinda just lets me know that something bigger and meaner is coming after the current big-and-meanness. Now, if that's something to look forward to, well that's just glittery.

I dunno, it just kinda hit me. For a Christian, we die and go to Heaven; a place where we'll have perfect bodies and never face sin again and be rewarded and all that good stuff. So... all this "strength" that we accumulate... what of it? I mean, does it follow us to the other side? Where, supposedly, it isn't needed?

...However-however, I just had a thought. I'm assuming that life is a continuous journey, which it is. But just because it's continuous doesn't mean there aren't prescribed destinations along the way. So, keeping that in mind, it makes a little more sense to accumulate strength.

If you're meant to be a king, then you hafta accumulate x amount of strength to get you to that point. So, assuming we all have our destinations, it's not strength for strength's sake, but strength for a specific task.

Okey doke; I get it now. In that case, I'll try a lil' harder.

Thanks Lord B-J


At 5:10 AM, Blogger hazelangel44 said...

Strength or Wisdom? Maybe it's more like God shapeinng us into the people we're supposed to be?


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