Monday, April 16, 2007

Postcard from My Heart...

Yo, something just hit me a few minutes ago. I think this is the first time that I've gone so long without thinking about love. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's been on my mind. But for once, it hasn't been a forethought.

Or has it?

The truth is, all the thoughts I've had about love in the last few weeks have been... forced. They were moments when I was drifting, or when a young lady might have passed me, and I thought to myself, "that should mean something to me". I had to coerce myself to take notice.

And I can't quite put my finger on why I am this way. I mean, I have been much busier than usual, that could very well be it...

Yeah, that's definitely it.

I must say though, it's an odd feeling for me to not have love on my mind in some degree. I mean, I'm far from a Casanova, but love is my thing, my favorite subject in the school of life. Yet, it's Springtime, and I don't feel... anything.

Ya know, muscles do get burned out. And they say the heart is a muscle, so maybe I've exhausted mine. No biggie; I'm sure it'll recuperate soon enough. Incidentally, I don't even miss it that much.

I was talkin to my homeboi--- actually I always talk to my homeboi about this, practically every night--- about being in relationships vs. not being in relationships. And it seems like for every reason I can come up with to be in his shoes, he can give me ten to be satisfied in my own... and vice-versa. So we just laugh about our contentedness and malcontent in our respective places in life. And when it's all said and done, neither of us is really THAT eager to trade places.

So, my heart's on vacation. But don't get it twisted; I mean, in this lithe frame of mine, how far could it ever really go? Should the opportunity for a desirable love present itself, it wouldn't take much for my heart to come back I'm sure. You're all capitalists, I'm sure you know about work-spillover. Well, this would be considered a love-spillover; no place to run, no place to hide, etc.

Still, I wonder where my heart is at the moment...

Ya know, I had an odd thought the other day. While we all know that the physical heart is actually located in the left cavity of the chest, I'm almost positive that the "figurative heart" is located in the center--- partly inside and partly outside. I dunno... I had a strong feeling a few weeks ago, and I 'clare I could almost feel where that heart was. There was this strange warmth; I could almost feel it with my hand. 'Wish I could remember what was on my mind at that moment...

Anywasy, the heart's on vacation. This is a postcard; no return address, just a picture of a content young man who's a bit perplexed at his own disposition.

Is it me, or is my colloquial vocabulary starting to get more and more complex? Friggin sociology courses... B-J


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