Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I Love You! (Dedicated to All Women)

...So whassup, huh? Why do you do it? Help me understand.

When you know there's somebody out there that loves you--- the way you should be loved--- why do you allow these cats to come at you with this nonsense and get so far?

What are you looking for? Proof? Proof of your own worth? That's in the fact that you're here, Love. God never made a mistake, and yet he made you. That should tell you something...

Fine, maybe your daddy didn't tell you enough how beautiful you are; maybe he wasn't there at all. Maybe your mother was treated like nothing and felt worthless; maybe she passed it on and taught you to feel the same. Maybe your last boyfriend was a small man who only felt tall when he was belittling you. FORGET THEM: they didn't make you.

I hope you don't mind, but I've been watching you. I see what you're trying to do, even if you don't see it. You're looking for someone to fill that void, to make you feel complete, to reassure you that you're worthy of love and affection. But what you find isn't really love. Because already it starts with self; you're in a relationship to find your self, to fill your self, to appraise your self.

And that's natural, because you're missing so much of your self. For whatever reason, you're missing important, foundational elements that help each of us to live as we should. We all need self-worth, self-esteem...

But you won't find it in a man.

It's hard for you to understand, but you've never experienced a real love, so you just don't know. See, a real love eliminates self; two people come together and give their individual selves away to each other. And in giving totally, they receive totally. And what would normally be a sacrifice just becomes giving to another part of you. You've never been there before, have you...

I didn't think so. So, you're looking for someone to validate who you are. But that's not the purpose of love; and if you're still looking for validation, then you're not ready for love. You have to be complete in yourself before you can find true love.

If you really want to find your value, then you've gotta go to the One that made you and find out how much you're really worth. You're so precious that He chose to suffer and die for you to live, and He wants to have a relationship with you for a lifetime. I know I sound religious, and I really don't mean to, but it's only because you don't understand yet: love is spiritual more than it is anything else.

See, even though we seek love from one another, we're supposed to love the Lord first. Because that's where we really learn how to love. Remember how I said love is two people giving their selves away to each other? Look closely: God did the same thing when He went to Calvary. He gave Himself for us. And in a relationship with God, you learn to do the same: give yourself to Him. And you find out by God's presence in your life how much you're really worth. In spite of neglect, abuse, mistakes, or whatever you came through to get to this point, your worth remains forever in the mind of God. Nobody can touch that.

And then you realize that you're too precious, too beautiful, too worthy to be as insecure as you are, letting just anybody approach you any kind of way. But you don't hafta be arrogant and esteem yourself; be humble and realize your worth to Him. Realize that people will come and go, but you'll still be just as precious to HIM.

And when you get to this point, you'll find a real lifemate. And you'll have the courage to experience a true love, with two people giving unselfishly. Because both you and the one you love will be in Christ together, and understand that His love is the example to follow.

I say all this just to let you know: I love you. And as such, I won't---I can't--- keep quiet and watch you self-destruct for ANY man. I'm showing you how to free yourself; take this and run with it.

Dedicated With Sincereity to All Women


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