Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Testosterone: Unnecessary Roughness

Let me begin this entry by saying in no way am I'm insinuating that only men have aggressiveness within them: the "unfortunate fact" of the matter is, they use testosterone to make steroids and they use estrogen to swell up chickens. You do the math.

I'm relatively passive for a brotha; I don't come across hard and I don't try to. I mean yeah, I talk about martial arts and combat a lot, but when you converse with me face-to-face, you find I'm one of the most docile, laid-back, sensitive cats you'll ever come across. The type of cat that steeps green tea in his spare time, actually listens to the lyrics of the music, interprets art, sees into your soul, etc....

But screw all that: just as much as I'm tenderhearted, I can be very much the opposite. I just have a strong mind that keeps me in check; I know when it's appropriate to be one or the other. And the truth is, I simply don't get a chance to be the other very often--- 'unnecessary roughness' you might call it.

(You might not know this, but the parts of the brain for sexuality and aggression overlap. So, just to clear the air with all this talk of male hormone, I will not be going into sexuality; this one's 100% pure aggression. Sorry to disappoint ;-P )

I tend to be drawn to certain things; anybody that really knows me will recognize some of these:

I love explosions. I don't like dunks; I like to see people getting dunked on. I like knockout punches. I like punchlines. I like big cats, especially when they're fighting each other. I like to see bottles smashed over heads; I like to see things break in general--- china plates, demolition, all that. I like extravagant end zone celebrations. I like kung fu flicks with excessive sound effects. I LOVE fighting games, especially ones that I can't beat (so make one). I like high speeds. I like open-hand slaps. I LOVE backhands. I like hockey... brawls. I like football... brawls. I like basketball... brawls. I like superhero... brawls. I like women... brawls ;-P

You'd be surprised folks, I might actually be a little crazy... When you experience road rage, for instance, you probably think about little stuff like killing the other driver, right? I think bigger... like kicking my car door off the hinges, running in front of the other driver, and flipping their car flat-over like a pancake. My mom used to tell this story that my sister and I were once in the car with her, and a wreckless driver cut her off. Instead of us being calm and supportive toward mom, we were in the car chanting, "Wreck-'em-Mama, wreck-'em! Wreck-'em-Mama, wreck-'em!"

Yeah, "we". My lil sister's crazy too ;-P

Or how about this: 'you ever have the urge to bite somebody? I do all the time. Like, sometimes somebody'll say something--- or even worse, say nothing in a lot of words---and I just fantasize about going berserk on 'em in mid-sentence, getting a couple of swings off to the head, then biting 'em and watching 'em run off traumatized. Kinda like this circus bear I saw once sitting next to this lady in an interview (no lie, my little sister saw it too!)

And I may not seem like it, but I have a very "go-for-it" mentality at times. When Chad Johnson wanted to race a horse, I said, "go for it". When Jackass 2 came out, and I saw 4 men on a 4-way seesaw in a ring with a bull, I said, "go for it". When Rasheed Wallace used to get upset, I said, "go for it". When the President wanted to go to Afghanistan, I said, "go for it... No, I mean YOU... YOU go for it".

You gotta be very careful taking advice for me; if I don't care much for ya, I just might tell you watcha wanna hear so I can get my camera and film the catastrophe. I was teaching my Sunday School kids about wisdom the other day, and I jokingly (not really) said I laugh at people that know better and still make unwise decisions. What's funny is that, according to Proverbs 1:26, God does too! So, I don't feel so bad about it now...

And if you haven't noticed, my little sister is no help at all. It's terrible... (Is it really?) It's terrible, but the greatest times that we share are watching and waiting for catastrophes to happen. My thing is watching people get their blocks knocked off; her thing is watching animals get scared silly and run smack into walls.

Ya'll should see the smile on my face right now, seriously. I can't help it: before today's out, I gotta see some action. And since baby sis is home for one more day, maybe I'll take her with me. Toss a firecracker behind some aimless cat on the way to see a Godzilla flick or sumn...

I know it's not right, but it's TIGHT! >;-P


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