Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Fox and the Pork-A$$ Swine (PG-15)

So there's a buzz going around about a Michael J. Fox and a Rush "the Hutt Big-A$$ Bigot" Limbaugh. Now, I don't affiliate myself with a party, even though I'm liberal-minded, but ladies and gentlemen, it's like exactly one year after my own mother passed from breast cancer, so I tend to feel strongly about the medical community getting to cures. And yes, we'll go thru fat porker gorilla-faced chimps to get them...

First of all, public announcement (kids, cover your ears):

What kinda Whopper-greasy, albino rat-pigment-face-a$$ person makes light of Parkinson's Disease, rockin in his chair like somebody's grandchild 50 years under his age? I bet his own grandchildren know better than that sh!t... How does this man even have a radio show? I don't know what Jesus this under-cooked piece of right-wing poultry serves, but I'd like to see how He feels about all this. Shoot, I'm surprised his friggin chair didn't collapse from the pressure of him rockin; 'fat, Blimpie-inhaling porkbeast won't even let the armrests rest, they gotta stretch like a country bearhug to seat his posterior hemisphere. But nobody wants to hug this septic tank-smelling glob of bad cholesterol and worse class.

I don't care if he DID think Michael J Fox was faking it; what he did was an insult to Parkinson's suffers EVERYWHERE. You owe the world of decency an apology if yo asthmatic, sleep apnia-havin', double-swallowing a$$ can get the breath out your lungs!!!

When are you people gonna wake up and see that politics is the reason that the government is not working? Who cares if Michael J. Fox is speaking for Democrats or Republicans? Can you be human for a minute and perhaps realize that he's speaking on behalf of the PEOPLE? As a whole, both parties (and all their one-sided, one-dimensional allegiates) can kiss my whole a$$. But if one side is gonna do what they can to help people like Mike, then that's who's gonna get my vote cuz that's what my mom needed too, not bureaucracy debating the market value of human life!!! And it's so sad that we STILL don't get it: we're never gonna get things right until our premier parties put their prides aside and work as ONE. It's not about your f#ckin party's identity, it's about your PEOPLE.

And it's also not about your economy; your PEOPLE come first. We don't get that; that's why the Canadian mounties of Vancouver beat most of our own forces to the Katrina crisis, because we don't take care of our PEOPLE like Canada does. So why didn't we get our people down there first, Jig? Because there was no PROFIT in it, Jig! I'm not a Democrat or Republican, but I will say this: big business does not give a d@mn about our people beyond what money our people are going to invest in it, and big business is the basic Republican platform. And I say all this to say that, unfortunately, it's not profitable for the medical community to cure people; it's more profitable for them to just give treatments that don't last and that usually slowly kill patients over time via side effects.It's time for cures to be found, and if there are cures, but the bigheads of big business would rather people not know about them so they can continue to linger and feed the system with their very lives, I PROMISE God will repay. I PROMISE.

BIG-UPS to Michael J. Fox. At least you don't suffer from the disease that Rush Limbaugh suffers from: slop-a$$, equator-belt wearin', pig-pen party spokesman, in-creased folds-of-skin-havin', perpetual field-of-gravity generatin', four-stomach-digestive tractor beam, so full of heifer-sh!t that he got da be the BIGGEST A$$ HOLE I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE!!!

And remember kids: It takes two to make you...


At 6:19 PM, Blogger The Good Doctor said...

More about Rush:

He's gotten over twice; once, for his racial comments about Donovan McNabb, two, for being a known druggie that you can't help but allude to with the "V for Vendetta" movie and Lewis Prothero.

V for Viagra, in the case of "Blood" Rush Limbaugh.

This is seriously why we have to get the people of this country to be smarter, and to start boycotting stuff again.

If something sucks, boycott it. That's why I don't listen to the radio anymore, whether it's Limbaugh or Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It...

Sign o' the times.



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