Friday, October 06, 2006

Background Melody to My Life

Greater Augusta Productions - Instrumental:

I often explain to people that I don't think I was meant to do things one at a time. In school, for instance, one of my best assets has always been my ability to fluidly incorporate what I learn in one subject into another subject. Humanities was a breeze for me because I could see that the common bond between music, art, and literature was history; start with history, and the trends in music, art, and literature become logical and obvious instead of random and coincidental.

Believe it or not, this brings me to my production group's newest song. As I was working on this track, I was trying to capture in music the feelings once generated by a special friend with whom I've lost contact (if you can, play the track now; this is a listening exercise, lol). Do you hear those pianos at the beginning? Well, those were meant to represent to good times we shared. You see, my friend is this spunky chick, headstrong, cutesy, and upfront (but not overtly so; she's very tactful). The piano here I think reflects that. But listen further...

As you listen on, you hear the song die down right? Well, that's because she and I became separated after our first year of college. It wasn't so bad at first because it wasn't like I couldn't drive up to see her sometime, and we talked on the phone from time to time. But then, she got married... Her husband turned out to be a very jealous cat, so communication ceased. Some of you are probably thinking I shoulda called anyway, right? Nah... Marriages are not meant to be violated like that; for me to come between her and her husband is wrong any way you slice it.

For the first time in my terms, I had to come to terms with losing a relationship. Do you hear how there's a new bassline that sounds just like the piano in the beginning? That's what my friend has become to me now. See, I have memories, and it hurts that she's out of my life like that. But at the same time, she's become this "...beautiful background melody to my life".

That exact phrase came to me as I was making this song--- remember how I said different subjects correlate to one another in my mind? Well, that's an example of music spawning poetry; a composition that reflects a living metaphor. It's "beautiful" because the more I think about her and the time we spent together, the more I learn about myself and the more I look on those memories with fondness, not bitterness.

Listen on... Another piano plays over the piano-bassline right? That's because, even though I've accepted her as a memory, she's also been in the front of my mind every day. I worry about her and pray for her often. Even more, not a single day goes by that I don't remember her [i]vividly[/i]. I usually have a hard time remembering faces, voices, personalities, events, things like that. Not with her though; some people you just can't forget.

When you get near the end of the song, the original piano comes back just like it was in the beginning. Why? Because, either in this life or the next, I do plan to see my friend again. And whenever, wherever that happens, happiness wouldn't remotely begin to describe the feeling...

Anywasy, this is the new track "Precious", dedicated to my friend. Enjoy, and throw us some feedback.

Jigabod, Greater Augusta ProductionsB-J


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