Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Jig Is Up...

I was Pinocchio; I had a wish to be a real boy. It seems the Blue Fairy decided to change everyone else into puppets instead. You don't understand it right now, but read on.

I've been around the world on a quest to find that someone. All the while, someone else has been in pursuit of me. 'Managed to elude capture for years I did; each year drawing closer and closer to what I at times thought was unattainable.

And then last night, I just... lost my way. I felt it, like some grand puppetmaster pulling on my strings. You see, I've always known that I was a puppet under a greater will, but as long as no one pulled my strings then I could become anything; in my case, that meant I could be with anyone. Now, all of a sudden, I can't see myself being with anyone...but her. Don't take that as some joyous acceptance speech; the meaning is strictly denotative.

The moment it hit me, the moment I felt that tug, I was actually somewhat content; I at least knew that I was being toyed with. I wasn't oblivious to the fact that one moment I was deadset against surrender and the next I was surrendering. No, no... I had been escaping my pursuer for years with no remorse; this happened far too quickly for it to have been my own doing. And the mere fact that I recognized this sudden change... that's the thing that makes me more than a puppet.

Still, here I stand. Years of reaching for the one who would make me feel alive and prove to me that destiny is to be made and not accepted... all for nothing. As I stand in the pouring rain, my hands surrendered to the sky, I face away from my soon-to-be captors: destiny, Divinity, and she. The dazzling array of red and blue lights reflecting off the heavy droplets only manage to daze me; my eyes are heavy with defeat. The sirens make no sound, and all I can hear is an old, familiar voice:
"Jigabod, it's finally time to come home."

My lip contorts; my eyes deliver the final standoff into the night sky. All to no avail...

"The Jig is up."



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