Thursday, September 14, 2006

All is Right With the World

Before I begin, I'd just like to say... I hate the title to my last post. It just sucks to me. So expect it to change sometime in the future, lol...

One thing I've learned in life; 90% of the battle is perspective. If you have the right perspective on things, that actually affects you more than what actually happens. You could be at rock bottom, but if you don't have a rock bottom perspective, rock bottom can't contain you. On the flipside, if you're on top of the world and have a negative disposition, you might as well be... well.. on rock bottom.

So I figure I'm gonna take a moment to see, in the words of my homie Ken, "what's really good". If I can find the good in bad times, then it'll make the bad times less stressful. Theoretically...

Hm... Well, for starters God still sits on the throne. That's the default "good news". The Word is still legit as always, meaning "All things [still] work together for good to them that love Him".

I'm eating. Ramen noodles rock. 2 liter sodas, 4 for 3 dollars at the store. Can't beat that. Got the veggies, the rice, the bread, the cereal, the milk, the waffles. Can't complain bout that.

I'm not dead. Not saying dead is the worst that can happen, but as long as you live, things can get better. The blessing of life.

My lil sis is cool. If she's cool, then I'm cool.

Still got my friends. They're spread far and wide, but they're as loyal as ever. Ran into an old homie the other day matter of fact, right after... well... read the last post.

Still got my family. I try to avoid them so I don't get discouraged from my goals by their doubts, but I can't deny they're still there for me when I let them be. And it's a blessing that I have a big family on both sides, and they all care about me. I visited my old church the other Sunday and it's like I never left. Felt really good.

I can STILL rhyme with the best of em. Nah, I don't freestyle. But, like Andre once said, "I can write one bar that can crush your whole album".

Still got my equipment; still able to produce and record (for free). It's not high-high quality, but it's pretty friggin decent. I learned a long time ago that it's not always what you have, but what you do with it. And I thank God me and my boy Swim have been able to do a lot.

My writing skills are still present. It's a wonderful vent for me and a creator of opportunity. I'm having a piece published in an anthology even as I write this. (I shoulda charged for it, lol. Naaah...)

Got enough money to last me a while. Hopefully I'll have my car straight in the next few days, then I can go back on the job hunt. Until then, I'm straight... unless my house gets meteorited or something.

Still got my guitar. Thought I was gonna hafta sell it a few months back, but it's still here, even tho I haven't been up to playing recently.

Still got my friggin PS2 for when I just NEED to crack somebody's skull. Can't beat a good fighting game... Boi stop, I beat em all. Muwahahaha...

I'm me, I'm Black, I'm saved, and I'm me. Can't ask for much more than that.

I'd say overall I'm doing well; when I choose to think about the good things that is. I can always highlight the bad and make it seem like I'm in hell or something, but nobody has it all bad. I don't believe life is ever all good or all bad. The key is recognizing that it's both and then choosing to emphasize the good. It's like that old saying, "Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right". Here it would be, "Whether you think it's good or you think it's bad, you're right".

So What's Your Perspective? B-J


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