Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Have You Seen Her?

Somewhere in the back of my mind there's a figure. She's haunted me since before I could see straight, which is the problem...

See, when I was little, there was this girl--- at least, I think there was--- that knew my mom. In my mind, she used to come over to the house every now and again; I think maybe she was a babysitter. She had to be somewhere between, ohhhh, 14 and 20 (that narrows it down >:-P). I was probably only 3 or 4 at the time.

Anyway, this girl is imprinted deeply in my mind; back then, she must've struck me as very beautiful. I can remember her sitting on our old couch, talking to my mom, or maybe a cousin. She was kinda thin I think, and average height. She wore the old-school Salt-N-Pepa, mushroom-style hairdo, and actually was about Salt's complexion, but not quite as light. She may or may not have had glasses; if she had 'em, she didn't always wear em. But what gets me is I can't really remember her face. Like, the impression of it is in my mind, so I have seen it before. But if I did, I had to be relatively close to her; you see, I didn't actually get my first pair of glasses until I was about 5 or 6.

I asked my mom about the girl several times in later years, but Mom didn't recall anyone. I really don't know why I'm so fascinated with this girl because, even if I did bump into her, I wouldn't recognize her 20 years later, lol. She's just a bug that's been creeping in my mind all my life. She could even be a total figment of my imagination, but I find that odd because I didn't get into that lovey-dovey stuff until much later; why would a figment of my imagination trigger those feelings? And wouldn't she hafta be based on something or someone to even exist?

I have one idea of who it mighta been, but the only trip there is I don't think she's ever been to my family's house. But she does kinda fit the description; maybe it was a dream I had about her as a youngin' or sumn. I dunno. Anyway...

Have You Seen Her? B-J


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