Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Love of Money is the Root of...CAPITALISM!!?

Ya'll better come get me... NOW.

"In a capitalist society, true love is an impossibility. Because in a capitalist society, love is a commodity."

My professor says this tonight to paraphrase a certain critical theorist... At that moment, I coulda sworn that I had heard the dopest rhyme ever secreted to human ears. And suddenly, it was as if the ink in my pen flooded; words written in unforgivable black and deep enough to swim in.

Ever since I started taking sociology classes, all I've been hearing are my own thoughts from the mouths of professors quoting great men in history. Actually, lemme rephrase that, because greatness is relative to the level of good sense the Lord has blessed you with; I forget that plenty of my potential readers are the good-and-brainwashed citizens of the United States...

Okay, I'll just say it then: I keep hearing my own conclusions being repeated to me from the minds and writings of the Marxists and Neo-Marxists! Yeah, that's right; the ones that most people in the West assume are evil-incarnate. When the truth is, the vast majority of Western civilization lives in a capitalist society and doesn't even know what the f#ck capitalism is, OR communism for that matter; you included, I presume. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you fit the description, then it would be a miracle for you to have something meaningful to say from this point. Shut it.

I was gonna keep this to myself to ponder, because this is some serious sh!t... Three things you never do: you never debate religion, you never debate economics, and you DEFINITELY never combine the two and debate them. Unfortunatley, I ain scared of u muthas enough to respect the rules...

"The love of money is the root of all evil." Biblical, infallible truth. What does it mean? It means that the love of riches drives much of that which pulls us awway from God. Most of the time, we think of it referring to individual attitudes.

...The individual is the product of his society.

In short, America, I'm bout to put a bug in your ear, and if you feel the need to kill me about it, then let the so-called "city-on-a-hill" nation bring it on. The very capitalism that you uphold is the EPITOME of the love of money! It's a system designed to create more and more wealth for the few at the expense of the majority! It's a system designed to waste resources only to grab more resources to create MORE wealth for that upper eschalon! It's a system that is forced to globalize and take resources from other regions to sustain itself! And the majority of the things you do in your lives are designed to maintain this capitalist way of life and thought!

And I'll tell you something else that you're not gonna like; the real reason that the Western world frowns upon anti-capitalist thinking is because we would rather live our lives in the pursuit of riches than risk being economic equals with each other--- it's called GREED and AVARICE, America!! Oh "Christian" America!! America that on one hand says "seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness" and "store up treasures in Heaven" and "labor not to be rich" and "the workman is worth his labor", but on the other hand says "take capital out of the worker's paycheck" and "expend lives in war to get the resources of other regions" and "let's get rich off of the proletariat as we sit high in corporate rank and get paid to not even break a sweat"!!!

Oh, of course America isn't totally Christian; but the understood "civil religion" of America is Christianity, and Christian values tend to be the most widely abused of political platforms; just stick to the script.

Let's be real about it; as much as we as individuals, some of us as Christians, pride ourselves on having the right view on life and/or living a life that's pleasing to our God, our societal lifestyle is FAR from that which we claim! "Man cannot serve God and mammon (money), for he'll either love one and hate the other, or cleave to one and despise the other." Name one thing that you're doing right now that's not for money. How much satisfaction do you get out of the work that you do? How much of what you produce actually comes back to you? How much of your homelife and family life have you sacrificed to bring in the "means to survival"? Who's your provider, your job or the God you profess? Are you even proud of your work at the end of the day, or are you just ready to go home so you can turn your own humanity back on? You're worth more than what you're paid but, somewhere, somebody loves money enough that they feel they're entitled to reap the lion's share of what you've worked for. And this is the capitalism that we swear by, as if it has some religious significance or equivalency to Christianity.

lol... But hey, lemme just get back to this original statement about love being a commodity. Is it any wonder in a capitalist society that we have trouble staying together in marriages? The vast majority of marital problems stem from financial discrepancies. Why? Why should that make a difference? Because in a capitalist society, love isn't about giving, it's about getting. It's about "how much are you worth to me" and "what can I get from you" and "what's in it for me" and "what do you contribute to my life". That's capitalist thinking at work: "nevermind the humanity and the expressions and the selflessness and sentiments; what does love profit me?"

What does love profit me. What does this love profit me. Sounds kinda hoeish, doesn't it? It is. Capitalism takes mans work, his God-given essence, and turns it into marketable labor to imprison him; capitalism takes man's love and turns it into lust, where it is more blessed to receive than to give.

Of course this is all a stretch. The problem is, you didn't think it was a stretch until you read this very sentence. Check your priorities. Take a good look at your world. "The love of money is the root of all evil"; that means, if you start with the evil and trace it back, you'll find the people who love money. You might not wanna finger yourself in public though.

The Revolution Starts With Love B-J


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