Thursday, June 07, 2007

Force Me to Use Force!

What do you do man... It's about 6-7 of them, and one of me. I'm outmanned and outsized. If they invaded my space once, there's not much to stop em from doing it again. I'm not gonna get my homies involved, cuz if anybody is gonna get hurt, it's gonna be me.

But, judging by my aim, if it goes down, I'm not likely get hurt.

Look... I hate guns. I love fighting, but people don't fight anymore 'cuz they're too scared to get wet up; go work at a gym for days, but never throw a straight punch. If I could run trespassers away with the guarantee that they wouldn't return, I wouldn't even consider buying a gun. But these kids nowadays are hard-headed and proud. I need a SOLUTION, not a band-aid.

What do you do? When a cat goes through your car. Oh, you can lock the door next time; he'll just bust a window. It's not my fault man; I knew the cats were shady, so I kept my distance. But I can only control me. Another topic, another time.

It's not just any old neighborhood troublemakers getting under my skin with this one; they kick it NEXT DOOR to my house. That's why I'm thinking that, eventually, it's gonna be a repeat offense. Now, you know we can't have that.

My pops has guns; my uncle has a gun; my grandaddy had a rifle; my cousin has a gun; even some of my homies have guns (some even have gun fetishes apparently). I never wanted to own one, hold one, and definitely not use it. But I can't allow cats to infringe on my territory. See, when my sister and her friend go back to school, I'm still gonna be in this house by myself. And if cats are trying me now with three people in the house, they'll be more apt to try with one person. You know we can't have that...

I'm trying to talk myself out of copping a firearm, I really am. I'm also reminding myself that I'm not immune to anything happenin, like last night. All this keeping to myself all these years has apparently been reduced to nothing in the span of 5 days. Never counted on my walls of silence and isolation being compromised by house guests. Now I've got an irrevocable issue that MUST be dealt with.

It's whatever; I hate this though. I've always hated the thought of guns and killing (I LOVE martial arts though, ya'll know that). I didn't like the sound of guns ever since I was a kid. Never went hunting with pops, never did any of that stuff. But... I'm not willing to live in fear. If that's the case, I might as well move now.

I'm gonna pray about this for a while, but I feel like my options are very limited. Bold animals just get bolder with time; thats why, once an animal has tasted human blood, it's usually put down as quickly as possible. Violating my property is a bad habit that is going to stop VERY quickly. I'm gonna call the police ONE TIME, but the truth is, the police have already been on my street enough times that if it was gonna ward these kids off, it would have already. That's what I think, anyway.

"Me nah look for trouble, but trouble dem fallah me..."
-Phife Dawg


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