Friday, June 01, 2007

Please: DON'T Go to Hell

Naw, this isn't exactly a Bible study here. Jesus Christ is the Truth; you can trust that. Jesus Christ is the only way to avoid damnation; you can also trust that. But this isn't exactly me trying to push Jesus on anybody. It's me warning you of what I think the true nature of Hell is. Because, if I'm right, it's nothing to take lightly (not that it ever was...).

Ya know it's funny; at some time in our lives, most of us have experienced a burn. Whether it was a 3rd degree fire, blistering metal, scalding water, rugburn, or a drop of hot grease, we all know how bad it hurts. But you know what? I'm convinced that physical burning is NOTHING compared to what Hell is like.

The Bible tells us not to fear those who can destroy the body, but to fear Him who can destroy body AND soul. Of course, that's referring to damnation. But think about it: physical fire doesn't burn the soul, only the body. So, while Hell may be a lake of fire, perhaps it's not just the fire we like to think of.

My first year in college, I was on this super-religious stint. Let me rephrase that: I was exceptionally dedicated; I sincerely wanted to live a life without sin. And don't get me wrong, I still do want that. Let me put it to ya like this: there was a point where I was so passionate about getting above sin that I called my cousin on the brink of tears, and my cousin said to me, "Christians are supposed to be Christ-like... NOT CHRIST HIMSELF!" I was a little overboard, on the brink of that "so Heavenly-bound that you're no Earthly good" state...

But during that time, I experienced something. That very night that I called my cousin 'matter-of-fact, I got this terrible burning in my chest. And all it was was that I wanted to get above sin, but knew that I couldn't do it. It was like hitting a wall of fire. No man on Earth can be perfect, and knowing that was KILLING ME. Sin would always be in my life until I reached the other side; if I wasn't being tempted, then I'd be falling for temptation. There was no getting around it.

I think that was a taste of Hellfire.

It's the same feeling I get often when I search for a special old friend of mine, a friend from that same school actually. We got separated some years ago, and my greatest wish has been that I get to talk to her again. I've been through so much, and each time some new tragedy hit me she was the first name and face that came to mind. SO many times we helped each other through distress; I would've given anything to hear her voice.

But each time, I had to do without my confidant. No one has succeeded in giving me the level of comfort that I know she could've given. People have prayed for me, and I know God is no respecter of persons, but knowing that she prayed for me would have given me so much encouragement. And it doesn't make sense to me that we should be disconnected like this. No sense at all.

I've been denied access to my friend; in my chest, I feel the same feeling as the one before. And I can't help wondering if its anything like Hellfire.

I believe Hellfire is at the gates of hate. I don't hate anyone in this world; as a Christian, I'm not allowed to. But I've been there, at the threshold of hate. I've sat in that boiler room and seen the fire behind the grated door; I know it's in me. All my life, there's been that one person...

I've held such a disdain for a person that, if given the opportunity and permission, I would've assaulted him a long time ago. And over the two decades of my existence, nothing has changed between me and this person. He's belittled and supported me; he's mistreated and provided for me; he's guided and maliciously manipulated me. And sometimes I'm at a point where I'd rather him be my declared enemy, just so we can get things over with. Even then, I know God wouldn't allow me to retaliate the way I want. So I understand when God says he'd rather a man be hot or cold than lukewarm, I really do. Talking, reasoning, praying for and with him... nothing. But because of his position, I hafta respect this man at all times, obey this man at all times, forgive this man at all times...

I've been seething over this for my entire existence, knowing it will never go away. That's gotta be Hellfire.

This isn't meant to be a religious message, but I'm telling you this from the heart: I sincerely don't believe that Hell is a lake of mere earthly fire. I believe it's something more. I believe earthly fire is the "soft" side of Hell; the regret, the reflection, the hopelessness, the distance, the denial... I believe THAT's the essence of Hell's fire. The other fire destroys the body, but THAT's the fire that destroys souls. I really believe that.

Here comes the plug:

If you're reading this, please take a moment to consider Jesus Christ. Because, if I'm right about Hell, it's SO not worth it. Trust me. The pain I feel sometimes makes me see death with appreciation, knowing that one day it'll all pass; I can't imagine knowing there's no relief. And that's what Hell is gonna be like--- there will be no relief. So please, consider.



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