Thursday, May 24, 2007

Taking My Glasses Off

I was born nearsighted; I'm not exactly sure which parent I got that from, because I think one is nearsighted and the other was farsighted. Nevertheless, that's my predicament.

Well, it's not really a predicament. I've managed to get pretty far in life, ya know? I was diagnosed early; 'been weraking glasses/contacts since then. No biggie.

But recently... nah, not really recently. I'll just say at random moments. There are times when I wish I could do away with my glasses. I know you're thinking "wear contacts" but that's not quite what I want. Number one, I have contacts; I hafta pay for contacts and I'll hafta continue paying for new ones for the rest of my existence. Which is why I don't wear the ones I have; glasses are more cost-efficient. Number two, I don't want a better treatment for my conditon, I want to CURE it. Feel me?

I find myself praying every now and again for God to hit me with one miracle and get my eyes straight for me. That would be such an awesome thing, to be able to go to sleep at night without taking glasses off or removing contacts. And if I was to hear something at night, or if the phone rings, no more having to grope in the dark for my specs, but just turn on the light and go fix the problem. It's a small thing, but it's a big thing, ya know?

And don't get me wrong; truthfully, I kinda like my glasses. I'm used to having them, to "hide behind" or whatever... And I'm thankful that I can see at all, even if it requires glasses. But being nearsighted isn't something I wouldn't trade if I got the opportunity. I like people to be able to see my face sometimes; I like how I'm treated when I'm not wearing my glasses; I like "real" eye-to-eye contact; I like my "alter image".

I don't have enough money right now, but I'm seriously considering getting corrective eye surgery when I get the chance; although, I would prefer it if God would perform the miracle and fix my eyes Himself so I won't hafta go through all that. It's a dot though; I can do without either if need be.

At the moment, I'm actually typing this entry with my glasses off. I can't even see the letters on the page unless I squint; all I can do is make out light and dark areas of the paragraphs. It's weird because the paragraphs look like they're spelling out something in huge letters... But I'm drifting on a tangent with that.

One of these days, I just might subject myseelf to the good-ol' cancer-causing laser-lights, just to see what life would be like with corrected vision. In the meantime, lemme put my frames back on so I can proofread this drop.

See Ya... B-J


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