Monday, June 04, 2007


This is another one of my lil' idiosyncracies. See, I'm a product of that 1995 era... And I'm Dirty Southern...

I love bounce!!!

I grew up on that Miami/ATL bass music--- that old school "tick-and-bump" that was out waaaay before krunk, waaaay before Ciara, waaaay before Polow--- about the time that the Bankhead Bounce was the dance. Some of ya'll might know what I'm tambout: Uncle Luke, DJ Smurf (Mr. Collipark to you youngin's), DJ Taz, DJ Kizzy Rock, DJ Uncle Al (R.I.P.), June Dog, INOJ, Zae, Carl Mo, Virgo, Afroman and Skeeter Rock, Lil Jon on the TURNTABLES... I can keep namin em, trust me...

The problem is, the bounce kinda... got waaaay deeper than my shoulders, lol. See, back then I used to love playing basketball, and I had CRAZY hops (even though I couldn't dunk, I could block dunks... go figure). And since I was a tall cat, sometimes I used to come down real hard on my feet after going really high up. So I started doing this thing where I'd come down, but I wouldn't lock my legs; I would bounce to absorb the impact. Little did I know, that was gonona become a permanent bad habit and make my legs even stronger , lol.

I don't exercise regularly, so I'm not much when it comes to endurance. But I have a lot of white muscle fibers. (In case you ain' got the foggiest idea what I'm tambout, remember in school when they showed you the picture of the human body with no skin, and it was red and white? Well, those were muscles made of red and white muscle fibers. White muscle fibers are the muscle fibers one uses for explosive movement like powerlifting, coming out the blocks in a race, throwing a punch, etc.) Those fibers make me very explosive when it comes to physical activities, even though I burn energy really quickly.

Along with the explosivity, I also have crazy control of my body; I can go from a state of explosion to a slow, cushiony retraction, to a dead stop if necessary. Sound familiar? It's kinda like a hydraulic pump actually; my body's like a slender hydraulic pump. And as such... I constantly feel like exploding! I mean, hydraulic pumps are pressurized, always ready to release pressure, right? That's me, mentally and physically...

In this case, especially physically. A pediatrist at my church told me that I walk the way that I walk because I have exceptionally powerful legs; and judging by my unconscious habits, I tend to believe that. Like, even though I don't really hoop anymore, I naturally love leaping up random stairs and jumping off walls. And when I touch down, I always land with a bounce or two. The object is to leap as high as possible, but land as quietly as possible, kinda like a cat. In one fluid motion, go from total explosion to total control...

(Seriously, I just realized something: maybe that's why I love fighting so much! It's all the explosive movement! And the more variation between explosion and control in the art, the more I like that art. This is why I love writing; I'm always discovering new things about myself, lol)

'Funny thing is, I never really got into hydraulics on cars. Although I love to see 'em drop and rock, the jumping never really did it for me... which is probably why I never could dunk. (another discovery!)

But that's cool that I can't dunk; because when I'm on the court you can't dunk either. HYDRAULICS!!!...



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