Monday, November 20, 2006

Happy People

So there's this student of mine at the church I attend. She's about 16ish, petite, reasonably well-behaved, loud, country as all heck...

Aight, lemme get to the point: this chick is my favorite person in the whole world right now! Every time I see her, all I can think about is how big a smile she would've put on my mom's face had they gotten to know each other. Shawty is hilarious! All she does is smile and joke and pick and play and try to sneak out of doin' stuff and sing songs loud and off-key! As small as she is, during praise and worship she can drown out the most powerful singers in our church... WITHOUT a microphone, lol. I'll never forget, one of the first things I remember her saying is how bad she wishes she could sing. She just might get there one day, lol.

And I have YET to see a frown on this child's face! Even when she's being a lil devilish, I can't even get mad with her, cuz it's just so obvious that she means no harm. Push come to shove, she's still one of the best students I've had the pleasure of teaching, the only one I can recall who ever thought of bringing a notepad to a Bible study (I know it sounds strange, but at my church that's a bigger deal than you know, lol)

Real talk, I can't imagine myself feeling bad around this kid. And it's not just me: most people I see that come across this girl just light up in her presence. Even today, as she sat on the front row with me and a few other kidz who were on program, the moment she walked to the podium to pray the attendant trustee found himself chuckling. That's a magic that I haven't seen in quite some time.

Sadly, she's one of only a few people I know who are like that. I mean, truly "happy" people, ya know? Not just people that smile a lot, but "happy" people. People that draw other people to them by just being their total selves; unintimidated by anyone, but bearing no ill will toward anyone. Not trying to prove anything at all but how contagious a smile can be. They seem to gain energy by flashing their radiant smiles just to see who smiles back. They bring out the best and worst in people; whether it's best or worst depends on how much of a stickler you are or aren't.

But I don't mind saying, peeps: I need more people like that in my life. So often I'm not a happy person. I can be irritable, solemn, depressing, and deadly serious sometimes; old habits die hard and I constantly find new reasons to be those things. But do you have any idea how good for you laughing and smiling is? I mean hysterical laughter, chuckles, giggles, smirks... it's all good for you. Scientifically, laughing releases endorphins to the brain; smiles require less face muscles than frowns.

Heck, I'm in the habit now that, if something funny happens, I don't try to stifle my own laughter. It could be a random thought in my mind; if it makes me laugh, I'm just gonna hafta look crazy and laugh. And I don't stop my kids from laughing if something funny happens (it's gotta be something really funny though, lol). I remember once my mom told me, "When you try to stop a class from laughing, that's when it's gonna get worse. Sometimes it's better to just let it go". Well Ma, I'll take it a step further: I'm an advocate of laughter, lol. Laughter keeps a class relaxed and open (and it keeps em from falling asleep on ya ;-J )

Some of you out there who think you're not that cute and whatnot, I guarantee the more you laugh and smile, the more you'll see how beautiful you really are, and so will others. So smile more, and surround yourself with happy people.

But there's that issue again... Where ARE all the happy people? I'm so attached to this kid because, aside from her, the next contagiously happy person in my life is my aunt up in Tennessee. She never fails to bring the hugs and smiles and kisses and kind words wherever she goes, and YES INDEED I DO NEED THAT! I mean, I know plenty of cool, nice, friendly people. But none of them is the type to just turn the tide of sadness with a mischievous glance or a playful grin. That's a special gift that's very rare.

And so often I forget: part of being a Christian is not only learning to be sober-minded, but also learning to rejoice. And it's not just rejoicing circumstantially, but having an overall joyful demeanor. I have joy, but I have trouble letting it out sometimes. But when that right person gets around me, I can't hold it in. And I really enjoy being in the company of somebody that knows what it is to be unrelentingly happy.

And Yes, I Was Smiling Even As I Wrote This, lol... B-J


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