Sunday, February 04, 2007

Know Freedom

Until you know the reality, you can only be a victim and a part of the problem. It's not a judge of your character, just a plain fact. But when you know the reality... at least then you can claim you're just "playing along" with the machine.

What do you know about freedom? You only know what you think you know; and what you think you know is only what you've been told by the collective. You can't see the forest for the trees; you don't know jack.

You claim to know, but you haven't searched. Oh, you looked in every open door. But you live in a house of trap doors and secret passages. And you never ventured those places, because you didn't even know they existed.

You didn't know they existed because their entrances are in the darkest corners of your cellar; maybe in your parents' bedroom closets; maybe under your carpets.

Or maybe... they're not hidden. Maybe fear was used on you instead. How many words do you hear and reflexively turn your head, though you barely know anything about them? And hell, when all was said and done, you didn't even bother to look them up; you assumed there was no profit in knowing. Forever a victim, at the mercy of an illusionary world.

Then there are a few of us who get suspicious. Suspicion is only the beginning. Suspicion is nothing without the matching conviction. Conviction is nothing without persistence. But soon, with persistence, suspicion becomes faith; and that faith manifests itself in revelation.

You're almost free.

The facts stare you in the face. And you find you're not the only one who's seen them before. There are others; so you go to meet them. You find you're too late. They've been undermined, exiled, ostracised, executed, assassinated, obliterated... buried.

Now it's your turn. Will you be buried too?

Fortunately, for the sake of your freedom, this is not the question that you must answer. The only question that you must answer: "do you know what you know?"

You see, though revolution starts with love, the first and most important battle is in the mind. If you can't free your mind to see what's apparent, then you're doomed to be a victim: an unwilling participant in your own destruction. Even more, you will continue to contribute to the very thing that feeds on you and on all those you love. If you see darkness, never let 'them' convince you that it's light. Tradition will destroy you; trust will destroy you; pursuit of wealth will destroy you; from top to bottom, anything short of the Trinity is subject to be your destruction.

If I were to lose my life right now, I'd die a free man. Can you say the same? What do you know that you know?

The Thinking That Makes One Free--- Liberal Arts B-J


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