To 'The Thing': My Apologies...
...but I'm gonna call you 'THE EMOTIONAL HULK' from now on! ROFLMAOOOOOOOOO
*'The Thing' is a character from the Fantastic Four comics who is made of rock. Due to his appearance, he lost his wife and... pretty much all his self esteem.
I know it seems cold, but you gotta understand: 'THE EMOTIONAL HULK' sounds SOOOOOOOO funny! Just think about it... I BET you can't do it without laughing! Sometimes a joke is so good that you just can't pass it up man! YOU GOTTA UNDERSTAND MANNN!!!
So, again, to 'The Thing', my apologies; I really do feel bad about all this. But I'd feel so much worse if I didn't say it at least once!
If it makes you feel any better... that fedora and trenchcoat is a GANGSTA look on you! You should change ya name to Rock Mobster or sumn...
Best Laugh I've Had in a Minute (and that's sad) B-J
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