Thursday, February 22, 2007

Never Forget You...

Those words are the most painful I've ever said, because it's true: I will NEVER forget about you. Some people in life, you don't see them for a while, and you forget them. I can't forget you; I don't want to forget you, and I can't imagine what it would be like not having you in mind.

You don't know what it's like Miss. The best way I can explain it... you know how you can think of someone and it makes you smile? You make me smile like that. But that's not all; see, whenever I smile about anything, the smile takes me right back to you. Because you're the one that brought a smile back to my face; you came at just the right time and opened me back up when I had closed myself off to the world.

You weren't even saved yet when you met me, lol. But, you were still my angel. All those times when I was helping you along... you didn't realize that being in your presence lifted me! Remember how I would pull something off, like do well in a class or something, and I thought nothing of it? But I remember you would always say, "Awww, git it!" and make a big deal about it. And when I think about that, I can't control it; I break out in the biggest grin. I wish I had told you how much that meant to me. You just don't know...

About a year after we parted ways, I saw this music video. Some girls were singing this song--- it went, "If I can't have you, I'll just be single for the rest of my life..." How ironic. Anyway, the video was on a college campus, and the lead singer was doing this little bounce-step, with her knees bent, ya know? And all I could think about was how she jacked that bounce off you, lol. And I remember "Fatty Girl" came out that year too, and I used to laugh because you were the self-proclaimed postergirl for it, lol. I MISS THAT!!! In my memories, all I can ever remember you doing is throwing sunshine at me. But I was so stiffnecked, I only chuckled as I watched you go. I shoulda joined in when I had the chance.

Through it all, I am glad for two things. I'm glad I got to share my faith with you; the day you told me you got saved was definitely one of the happiest days of my life. I bet you're even spiritually stronger than me now (I'm strugglin' right now Miss, but you know me: no worries, lol...). I take comfort knowing that, if we don't see each other again on this side, we'll definitely catch up on the other side.

Secondly, I'm glad that I was able to tell you how proud I am of you. I don't know why, but the other day that memory came back to me--- that day we were kickin' it, and I just told you out the blue, "I'm really proud of you". I really admire you; you're on a pedestal in my mind. As sweet and playful and thoughtful and ladylike (and cute, lol) as you are, you're also diligent and ambitious and determined and strong. I swell up with pride at the thought of all you had accomplished before we even met. I pray that you continue to prosper, and know that I'm STILL proud of you. 'Matter of fact, on credit, I'm more proud of you now than I was back then.

It hurts that I remember you when I can't see you anymore, but you're the sweetest memory I have; I'd rather it be this way than to ever forget such a special person. I would say more, but "thou shalt not covet" and all...

You'll probably never see this, but if you do--- and you know who you are--- please don't forget me.

"Aww, Git It!" B-J


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