Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Christmas Series: Black Christmas???

"Black Christmas"??? Huh?? What?...

Kay, for those of you just tuning in, lemme give you a quick briefing: these fools in Hollywood have actually made a horror movie about Christmas due to release on Christmas Day. These are my thoughts. It won't take long, I promise...

So, Hollywood and Co., you thought it would be cute to put a dark spin on the Christmas holiday season this year; to appeal to an "alternative culture" or sumthin I guess? Well, lemme say this to you AND the "alternative culture": grow up.

I mean seriously, some people are rebellious because they have just cause to be; others are rebellious because, in their mind, it's cool just to go against something. In this case, that would be you. And just so you know, you're just as much a follower as anyone you call yourself looking down on, because you blindly believe in some half-baked cause that you don't even fully understand. Mavericks can be 100% bull too. And, in case you didn't know, rebels without a cause played out years ago.

Why don't you go against something worthwhile like crooked administrations, bogus wars, tax cuts for the wealthy, glorified gangsta lifestyles, hospitals overcharging patients for the right to live, or maybe your own stupidity. I mean really... believe whatever you wanna believe, but don't be a rebel just to be noticed. Are you THAT insecure?

If you don't celebrate Christmas, cool. But to try to dampen the holiday in the name of your weak, diluted and deluded perspective on life? Or to make a quick Christmas box office buck? C'mon... That's hilarious. You must really be desperate for attention to piggyback off the most wonderful time of the year just to get noticed. Shame on you; you get a lump of coal in your stocking...

Naughty-Naughty... B-J


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